
「優秀人才入境計劃」 Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS) 「優秀人才入境計劃」於二零零六年六月推出,是一項設有配額和計分制度的入境計 劃,旨在吸引世界各地的高技術人才或優秀人才來港定居,藉以提升香港的競爭力。 成功的申請者在來港前無須事先在港獲得聘用。申請人可選擇以「綜合計分制」或 「成就計分制」的方式接受評核,與其他申請人競爭配額。這項計劃的計分制度和留港 安排自二零一五年五月起已經優化。政府於二零一八年八月公布首份香港人才清單。 符合人才清單相關專業資格的申請者,可在「綜合計分制」下獲得額外分數。 The QMAS was introduced in June 2006. It is quota-based and operated on a points-based system. It seeks to attract highly skilled or talented persons from around the world to settle in Hong Kong in order to enhance Hong Kong ’ s economic competitiveness. Successful applicants are not required to secure an offer of local employment before taking up residence in Hong Kong. Applicants may choose to be assessed under either the General Points Test or the Achievement-based Points Test, and compete for quota allocation with other applicants. Since May 2015, the scoring scheme of and stay arrangement for entrants under the QMAS have been enhanced. The government promulgated the first Talent List of Hong Kong in August 2018. Applicants who meet the requirements of the Talent List will be awarded bonus points under the ‘ General Points Test ’ after assessment. 「科技人才入境計劃」 Technology Talent Admission Scheme (TechTAS) 「科技人才入境計劃」於二零一八年六月推出,旨在透過快速處理安排讓從事十三個 指定科技範疇的研發工作的科技公司或機構輸入非本地科技人才來港工作。截至二零 二零年年底,共有 215 名申請人根據此計劃獲批來港。 Launched in June 2018, the TechTAS provides a fast-track arrangement for technology companies or institutes undertaking research and development activities in 13 specified technology areas to admit non-local technology talent to work in Hong Kong. As at the end of 2020, a total of 215 applicants had been admitted under the scheme. 入境處不時參與各項展覽活動,積極推廣各項簽證計劃。 The department participates in various exhibitions from time to time to promote different visa schemes. 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 23