
簽證計劃 匯聚人才 Attracting Talent through Various Visa Schemes 入境處致力推行及不時優化各項簽證計劃,以匯聚人才, 鞏固香港作為旅遊熱點、國際金融、商貿和物流中心的 地位。 The department implements and refines various visa schemes from time to time to attract talent, so as to consolidate Hong Kong ’ s position as a centre of financial services, tourism, trade and logistics. 香港歡迎世界各地的優秀人才、專業人士及企業家根據不同的入境計劃前來工作及定居。 Hong Kong welcomes talent, professionals and entrepreneurs from all over the world to work and stay here under various admission schemes. 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 22