
更佳公共服務 Better public services 為進一步提升服務質素,入境處計劃在新總部增設出生和婚姻登記服務,以及提供一站式服務, 並擴大創新科技的應用範圍,為總部加入智能元素,如設置自助服務站,讓市民在遞交各項申請和 領取各類證件或簽證時,無需在櫃枱前排隊輪候。市民在某些非辦公時間內亦可透過自助服務站使 用上述服務。 To further enhance service quality, the department plans to provide registration of births and marriages and one- stop services at the new headquarters. The department also plans to make wider use of innovative technologies to incorporate smart elements into the new headquarters, such as the provision of self-service kiosks, so that the public can submit applications and collect documents or visas without having to queue up over the counters. The above services will also be available at the self-service kiosks during certain non-office hours. 公共服務區域會加入共融設計元素,並會設有育嬰室、通用洗手間、無障礙設施等,以照顧不同服務使用者的需要。 To meet the needs of different users, inclusive designs will be adopted in the public service areas with the provision of babycare rooms, universal toilets, accessible facilities, etc. 此模擬效果圖只供參考 This rendering is for illustrative purpose only 此模擬效果圖只供參考 This rendering is for illustrative purpose only 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 157