
1981.6.25 首個車輛出入境管制站 — 文錦渡管制站投入 運作;沙頭角和落馬洲兩個管制站亦先後於 一九八五年及一九八九年落成啟用。 The Man Kam To Control Point, the first vehicular control point, commenced operation. The Sha Tau Kok and Lok Ma Chau Control Points were also commissioned in 1985 and 1989 respectively. 1980.10 撤銷「抵壘政策」 Abolition of the ‘ reached-base ’ policy 政府撤銷「抵壘政策」,對非法入境者 實行即捕即解;同時立法禁止僱用非 法入境者及不可合法受僱的人,以及 規定年滿 15 歲的香港身份證持有人須 隨身攜帶身份證以供查閱。 With the abolition of the ‘ reached-base ’ policy, intercepted illegal immigrants were repatriated immediately. New legislation also came into force to prohibit the employment of illegal immigrants or persons not lawfully employable, and require Hong Kong identity card holders having attained the age of 15 years to have with them their proof of identity for inspection. 1983.3 電腦身份證 Computerised identity card 首次推出電腦身份證,分階段為全港市民換證。 A territory-wide identity card replacement exercise was launched in phases for the issuance of the first generation computerised identity cards. 1980s 1979.7.1 出生、死亡和婚姻登記 Registration of births, deaths and marriages 從註冊總署接管出生、死亡和婚姻登記的工作。 Took over the duties of registration of births, deaths and marriages from the Registrar General ’ s Department. 1982.6.28 總部遷往尖沙咀冠華中心。 The headquarters was relocated to Mirror Tower, Tsim Sha Tsui. 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 148