
1960s 入境處發展歷程 Development of Immigration Department 1965.8.1 接管羅湖出入境管制工作 Takeover of immigration control at Lo Wu 從警務處接管羅湖的出入境管制工作後, 香港的海、陸、空出入境檢查,均由入境 處負責。 After the takeover of immigration control duties at Lo Wu from the Police, examination of passengers arriving and departing by land, sea or air has become the responsibility of the department. 1961.8.4 部門成立 Inception of the department 入境處正式成立,總部設於中環 中國聯合銀行大廈五至八樓。 穆雅先生出任首任處長。 The department was formally established, with its headquarters situated at 5/F to 8/F, United Chinese Bank Building, Central. Mr J Moore was appointed as the first Director of Immigration. 1966 總部遷往中環國際大廈。 The headquarters was relocated to the International Building, Central. 資料來源 : 華僑日報(左上)、工商日報(左下)和中國郵報(右) Source: Wah Kiu Yat Po (upper left), Kung Sheung Daily News (lower left) and China Mail (right) 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 146