
因應溫度及個人需要,人員也可 穿着毛衣。一九九八年,入境處 引入警笛繩作為制服的一部分。 Officers could put on a pullover in light of temperature and personal needs. In 1998, the department introduced the whistle lanyard as part of the uniform. 女士的帽為白色,帽徽採用前人民 入境事務處的徽號。 The cap for a female officer was white in colour, with a cap badge that bore the crest of the then Immigration Department. 冬季制服以絨上衣為基礎,多年來的改動主要 集中在帽徽及肩章。警笛繩及絨上衣分別於 二零零九及二零一零年起改為只於人員出席儀式時 佩戴及穿着。 The tunic was the basis of the winter uniform, with changes mainly made to the cap badge and shoulder badge over the years. Whistle lanyards and tunics are worn only for ceremonial purposes since 2009 and 2010 respectively. 短身制服外衣於二零一零年 引入,取代毛衣。 Uniform jackets were introduced to replace pullovers and cardigans in 2010. 香港回歸祖國後移除所有殖民地 標識。 All the colonial logos were removed upon Hong Kong ’ s return to the Motherland. 八十年代末,夏季制服的階級徽 章以黑絨托底穿在肩牌上,直至 現在。 Since the 1980s, rank insignias have been worn with black felt on shoulder straps of the summer uniform. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 133