
新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 制服的演進 Uniforms Over the Years 員佐級的肩章採用藍色槓,督察 級的肩章則採用銀白色槓。 The shoulder badge for the Rank and File grade was characterised by blue stripes, while that for the Inspector grade was characterised by silvery white stripes. 卡其色的長襪 Khaki long socks 六十年代人民入境事務督察的 夏季制服。男士的制服款式是 卡其色獵裝和皮鞋。 The summer uniform of an Immigration Inspector in the 1960s. The uniform for male officers comprised a safari suit and a pair of leather shoes. 主任級人員的肩章改用軍星 標示官階。 Pips were introduced for the officer grade as an identification of the rank. 七十至八十年代人民入境 事務主任的夏季制服。 The summer uniform of an Immigration Officer in the 1970s and 1980s. 七十年代,男士夏季制服的設計由 獵裝改為恤衫及西褲,恤衫為灰色, 帽徽採用前人民入境事務處徽號。 In the 1970s, the design of the summer male uniform was changed from a safari suit to a shirt and trousers. The shirt was grey in colour and the cap badge bore the crest of the then Immigration Department. 男士夏季制服其後再次改良,除 了肩章的改動外,亦省去領帶。 The summer uniform was further modified later with changes in the shoulder badge and the removal of the tie. 六十年代,女士制服為灰色恤衫 和半截裙,並配以無簷帽;冬季 制服則加上大衣,並配以絲絨帶。 In the 1960s, the uniform for female officers comprised a grey shirt, a skirt and a brimless cap. The winter uniform included an additional tunic and a velvet belt. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 132