
與其他司法管轄區的機關保持緊密合作 Close collaboration with authorities in other jurisdictions 入境處一直與聲請人的主要來源國家保持緊密聯繫,過往曾派員出訪越南、巴基斯坦和孟加拉,介紹香港在打擊 非法勞工及人口販運方面的嚴格法例條文,以及實施統一審核機制的目的,並就執法行動的情報交換和聯絡事宜商 討合作,以及與各國當局商討如何加快遣送程序。入境處會繼續加強與有關國家領事館的溝通,以求進一步加快聲 請不獲確立人士的遣送程序。 The department has been maintaining close liaison with major source countries of non-refoulement claimants. Representatives of the department had paid duty visits to Vietnam, Pakistan and Bangladesh in the past to introduce Hong Kong ’ s stringent legislative provisions against illegal employment and human trafficking, as well as the objectives of the implementation of the USM, to explore issues of co-operation with the local authorities on intelligence exchange and liaison affairs for law enforcement, and to discuss ways to expedite the removal process. The department will continue to strengthen communication with the consulates concerned with a view to further expediting the removal of unsubstantiated claimants. 入境處派員出訪主要的聲請人來源國家,探討處理免遣返聲請問題。 Representatives of the department paid duty visits to a number of major source countries of non-refoulement claimants with a view to exploring ways to tackle the problem of non-refoulement claims. 121 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality