
由於被遣返的人士包括曾干犯刑事罪行及免遣返聲請不獲確立的人士,入境處亦有派員乘搭同一專機執行押解任務,以確保遣返行動能安全和順利進行。在任務完成後,入境處 派出的人員於同日回港。 Since the removees included convicted persons and unsubstantiated non-refoulement claimants, representatives of the department were deployed to carry out in-flight escort duty on the same charter flight in order to ensure safe and smooth repatriation operation. Upon completion of the escort duty, all representatives concerned were arranged to return to Hong Kong on the same day. 大規模特別遣送行動 Large-scale special removal operations 入境處近年多次採用專機執行大規模特別遣送行動,把非法入境者遣離香港。另外,遇有不願意 接受自願遣返安排甚至以激烈手法拒絕離境的人,入境處會與有關航空公司和領事館人員聯絡, 在有需要的情況下採取強制遣返行動,或派員乘搭同一航機陪同該等人士離境。 In recent years, the department has conducted a number of large-scale special removal operations by charter flights to effect the repatriation of illegal immigrants. For those who are resistant to being repatriated voluntarily and even resist repatriation through violent acts, the department will liaise with relevant airlines and consular staff for arrangement of forced repatriation, or for immigration staff to accompany removees on board the same flight if the situation warrants. 119 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality