
入境處推出多項措施優化工作流程以加快審理聲請個案。每宗聲請的時間大幅縮減六成,由早期約 25 個星期縮減至現時約 10 個星期。 To enhance the workflow, the department has introduced various measures so as to expedite the screening of claims. The average time for the department to handle a claim has reduced by 60% from about 25 weeks previously to about 10 weeks at present. 個案審理人員訓練課程的內容廣泛且多元化,包括由聯合國難民署人員、律政司 代表、衞生署及醫院管理局的醫學專家主講的講座、個案主任的經驗分享等。 The contents of the training programme for case officers are extensive and diversified, including seminars given by representatives from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the Department of Justice, medical experts from the Department of Health and the Hospital Authority, and experience sharing by case officers, etc. 116 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality