
新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 入境事務相關的羈留設施 Immigration-related Detention Facilities 除了青山灣入境事務中心外,以下地方亦曾用作或現仍用作《入境條例》所規定的羈留設施: In addition to the CIC, the following places were previously used or are currently used as detention facilities as stipulated under the Immigration Ordinance: 於二零二一年五月重新啟用的羈留中心,提供 160 個 羈留名額,用以羈押根據《入境條例》被羈押的成年男 性,由懲教署負責日常管理。 Tai Tam Gap Correct ional Inst i tut ion was re- commissioned as a detention centre in May 2021 with a capacity of 160. It is designated for male adult detainees detained under the provisions of the Immigration Ordinance. The Correctional Services Department is responsible for the daily management of the institution. 設於馬頭角的羈留中心於一九九八年二月啟用,可在 同一時間容納多達 87 名被羈留者。 Ma Tau Kok Detention Centre was commissioned in February 1998. The centre can accommodate up to 87 detainees at any one time. 位於中區警署樓羣的域多利監獄及前中央裁判司署 (即現時「大館」)於八十年代起,設有入境事務處域 多利中心及遣送離境分科的辦事處。域多利中心於 二零零五年關閉,並重置於青山灣入境事務中心。 The VIC, together with the office of the Removal Sub-division, was housed in the Victoria Prison and the former Central Magistracy of the Central Police Station Compound (currently known as ‘ Tai Kwun ’ ), and had been in operation since the 1980s. The VIC was closed and relocated to the CIC in 2005. 大潭峽懲教所 Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institution 馬頭角羈留中心 Ma Tau Kok Detention Centre 域多利中心 Victoria Immigration Centre (VIC) 113 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality