
入境事務處自一九六一年成立至今,六十年來致力維護 法紀,竭誠服務,對香港貢獻殊深。 入境事務處人員一直堅守使命、無畏無懼地執行各項政 策和工作,包括有效執行出入境管制、嚴防不受歡迎人 物進入香港、防止和偵查相關罪行、為居民簽發身份證 及旅行證件和致力提升證件的防偽效能等。入境事務處 亦致力提升免遣返聲請的審理效率,並配合源頭堵截、 執法、遣送和羈留聲請人等多方面措施,防止機制被濫 用。這些工作有助確保香港社會的安定繁榮。 因應社會環境不斷轉變,入境事務處成立了反恐科,並 透過跨部門合作,加強防範恐怖活動,居安思危,同時 亦派員出任「特別任務警察」,全力支援政府止暴制亂, 恢復社會秩序。在 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情期間,入境事務 處積極參與抗疫工作,包括迅速動員協助封區行動及支 援個案追蹤辦公室等,充分展現入境事務處的靈活應變 和團隊精神。 展望未來,入境事務處將繼續善用科技,以提升跨境口 岸的通關能力,促使香港更好地融入國家的發展大局。 保安局會一如既往,全力支持入境事務處在出入境事務 上嚴密把關,堅守國家的南大門,並且繼續提升執法能 力以應對治安上的挑戰,時刻作好準備配合國家的策 略,堅定不移地履行維護國家主權、安全及發展利益的 責任。 保安局局長鄧炳強, PDSM, JP Since its establishment in 1961, the Immigration Department has over the past six decades been committed to upholding the law and serving the public, making significant contribution to Hong Kong. Staff of the Immigration Department, with commitment to the department ’ s mission, have all along fearlessly carried out various policies and duties, including exercising effective immigration control, keeping out undesirables from entering Hong Kong, preventing and detecting related crimes, issuing to residents identity cards and travel documents, and striving to upgrade the authenticity of these documents. The Immigration Department has been striving to further enhancing the efficiency in the handling of non-refoulement claims, including strengthening measures in interception at source, law enforcement as well as removal and detention of claimants to curb abuse of the mechanism. All these efforts have contributed to maintaining the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong. In response to the ever-changing social landscape, the Immigration Department has been staying vigilant to strengthen the prevention of terrorist activities by establishing the Counter-Terrorism Division and through inter-departmental co-operation, as well as rendering full support to the Government in stopping violence and curbing disorder by deploying officers to take up appointment as Special Constables for restoration of social order. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Immigration Department has also been proactively participating in the anti-epidemic work. From swiftly mobilising officers to assist in the lockdown operations to sending officers to the Contact Tracing Office in support of contact tracing work, the Immigration Department have fully demonstrated its flexibility and team spirit. Looking ahead, the Immigration Department will continue to make good use of technologies in enhancing the capacity of immigration clearance at cross-boundary control points to enable Hong Kong to be better integrated into national development. The Security Bureau will, as always, fully support the Immigration Department on strict enforcement of immigration matters and keeping tight the south gate of our country, continuously enhancing its law enforcement and co-ordination capabilities to respond to challenges to public order, and getting prepared at all times to support national strategies and discharging its duty of safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests with unwavering commitment. TANG Ping-keung, PDSM, JP Secretary for Security 11