
打擊偷渡及識別潛在販運人口受害人 Combating smuggling activities and identifying potential Trafficking in Persons (TIP) victims 免遣返聲請人的主要抵港途徑之一,是從內地非法進入香港。入境處非常重視有關情況,一直與香港警務 處及內地有關當局保持緊密聯繫和交換情報,協力從源頭打擊這類非法偷渡活動。此外,入境處積極參與 國際及地區會議及研討會,藉此與海外及內地執法機關建立有效的溝通網絡及良好合作關系,以便交換情 報及積極打擊非法移民活動。為落實政府頒布的《香港打擊販運人口及加強保障外籍家庭傭工行動計劃》, 入境處於二零一九年十二月成立外傭專責調查組,主要負責在審批外傭簽證申請前進行初步篩查,以及早 識別潛在的販運人口受害人或剝削外傭個案,並在有需要時展開調查。 Smuggling via the Mainland is one of the main ways of arrival of non-refoulement claimants to Hong Kong. The department has attached great importance to the situations, and has been maintaining close liaison and intelligence exchanges with the Hong Kong Police Force and the Mainland authorities for making concerted efforts to combat such illicit activities at source. In addition, the department actively participates in international and regional conferences and seminars so as to establish an effective communication network and a good working relationship with foreign and Mainland counterparts, thereby facilitating the exchange of intelligence and proactive action against illegal migration. To implement the ‘ Action Plan to Tackle Trafficking in Persons and to Enhance Protection of Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong ’ promulgated by the government, the Foreign Domestic Helpers Special Investigation Section (FIS) was set up in December 2019. The key tasks of FIS are to conduct initial screening before vetting visa applications from foreign domestic helpers so as to facilitate early identification of potential TIP victims and exploitation relating to FDHs, and to conduct investigations where necessary. 入境處積極參與國際及地區會議及研討會,以掌握有關全球偷運人口和偽造證件的趨勢和交換情報。 The department actively participates in international and regional conferences and seminars so as to grasp the trends in global human smuggling activities and forgery and to exchange intelligence. 進行初步篩查後,外傭專責調查組會就有關違反入境法例的 個案展開調查。 After initial screening, FIS would conduct investigations on suspected cases of immigration offences. 入境處轄下的檢控組常設檢控專隊。專隊人員獲刑事檢控專員授權 代表律政司處理與入境事務相關罪行的日常檢控工作,包括負責在 裁判法院的答辯、審訊和訟辯工作。 The department has designated a Specialised Prosecution Team under the Prosecution Section. Officers of the team are authorised by the Director of Public Prosecutions to handle immigration offences-related prosecutorial duties including arraignment, trials and other advocacy work at magistrates ’ courts on behalf of the Department of Justice. 108 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality