
使用視像光譜對比儀對即時偵測偽造及經非法塗改的證件特別有幫助。 The use of a Video Spectral Comparator is particularly useful for immediate detection of forged and unlawfully altered documents. 入境處人員接受傳媒訪問、舉辦工作坊及講座,提高公眾辨別偽造證件的意識。 Officers of the department receive media interviews and organise workshops and talks to raise public awareness of identifying forged documents. 全方位偵查偽造旅行證件罪行 Thorough investigations into cases of forged travel documents 入境處執法部轄下的反偷渡情報局負責收集和分析有關偽證集團的犯罪手法及國際情報, 以及偵查在香港國際機場使用偽造旅行證件和偷運人口的罪行。另外,執法部亦設有行動 研究組,負責蒐集、分析及發放有關入境處關注事項的資料,並對偷運人口的手法和使用 偽造旅行證件罪案的趨勢進行追蹤研究。 The Anti-Illegal Migration Agency under the Enforcement Branch is responsible for collecting and analysing the modus operandi of and international intelligence on forgery syndicates, and detecting forgery and human smuggling crimes at Hong Kong International Airport. In addition, the Operational Research Section of the Enforcement Branch is responsible for collecting, analysing and disseminating information relating to matters of interest to the department. It also keeps track of the modus operandi of human smuggling and the trends in the use of forged travel documents. 107 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality