
入境處人員採取果斷行動,嚴厲打擊使用偽造旅行證件的相關罪行。 Officers of the department take resolute action in combating crimes related to the use of forged travel documents. 入境處十分關注使用偽造旅行證件作非法移民、犯罪或進行 恐怖活動等罪行。這些不法行為不但危及國家安全,還削弱 被偽冒的護照的認受性。由於偽造證件集團的活動是一個全 球各地均須應付的問題,入境處與本地、內地及海外的執法 機關緊密合作,就偽造證件案件進行秘密調查,並採取果斷 行動偵查使用偽造旅行證件的旅客及經香港過境到其他國家 的非法移民。 嚴厲執法 深入調查 Stringent Enforcement and In-depth Investigation The department is highly concerned about the use of forged travel documents, either for illegal migration, committing crimes or engaging in terrorist activities. Such illicit activities pose a threat to national security and undermine the probity of the passports being forged. As syndicated forgery activity is a global problem, the department works closely with the local, Mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies to conduct covert investigations into cases of forged documents. Resolute action is taken to detect the use of forged travel documents by travellers and illegal migrants in transit through Hong Kong to other countries. 106 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality