
調查假結婚相關罪行 Investigations into suspected bogus marriages 入境處非常關注非本港居民利用假結婚來港居留的問題。入境處於二零零六年成立一個 專案小組,從不同途徑搜集情報,並主動就可疑結婚個案展開調查,在有足夠證據時對有 關人士作出檢控。入境處一直從不同渠道加強執法,多管齊下全方位打擊假結婚活動。 The department has always been concerned about bogus marriages. A special task force has been set up since 2006 to collect intelligence through various sources, initiate investigations into suspected bogus marriages, and prosecute the persons concerned when there is sufficient evidence. The department has been stepping up enforcement via different channels to combat bogus marriages with a multi-pronged and all-rounded approach. 入境處積極跟進懷疑假結婚舉報及其他線索,包括夫妻關系存疑的申請資料。 The department actively follows the reports and clues for investigations into suspected bogus marriages, including information on doubtful relationships in processing applications. 多管齊下打擊假結婚活動 Combating bogus marriages with a multi-pronged approach 嚴格審查及拒絕持 「探親簽注」的 可疑旅客 入境 Critically scrutinises and refuses entry of doubtful visitors on the strength of ‘ exit endorsement for visiting relatives ’ 調查持「探親簽注」的 非法勞工 Conducts investigations into illegal workers holding ‘ exit endorsement for visiting relatives ’ 加強核查 可疑 婚姻登記個案 Steps up examinations on suspicious marriage registrations 透過 「放蛇」行動 搜集 證據,打擊假結婚 中介人及犯罪集團 Conducts decoy operations to collect evidences for combating intermediary and criminal syndicates of bogus marriages 加強 宣傳工作 , 提醒市民切勿參與假結婚活動 Steps up publicity to remind members of the public not to be engaged in bogus marriages 積極跟進 舉報及其他線索 , 包括內地審批單程證的過程中轉交 夫妻關系存疑的資料 Proactively follows up the reports and clues for investigation, including information referred by Mainland authorities on doubtful relationships in processing One Way Permit applications 104 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality