
今年是入境事務處成立六十周年,我謹此衷心致賀。 入境事務處執法與服務並重,竭力為香港把關,時刻守 在最前線,為維護國家安全及確保香港長期的繁榮穩定 盡心戮力,並致力為每位出入境市民和旅客提供效率超 卓的服務。 入境事務處的證件簽發服務及出生和婚姻登記等,均與 市民生活息息相關。部門以人為本,務求提供切合社 會需要的優質服務。以「全港市民換領身份證計劃」為 例,部門推行長者及殘疾人士同行換證安排和到訪院舍 換證服務等關愛措施,不但深受市民歡迎,更在香港賽 馬會齡活城市「全城.長者友善」計劃 2020 中,贏得「我 最喜愛的全城.長者友善計劃」大獎,為推動關愛共融 文化樹立良好典範。 政府重視青年的社會參與。入境事務處一直致力履行培 育青年的社會責任。二零一三年,入境事務處成立青少 年領袖團,通過各種訓練和基礎國民教育活動,增進青 少年對國家的認識和歸屬感,協助隊員培養紀律意識和 團隊精神,並建立正向價值觀。領袖團至今已為約四百 名青年提供訓練,日後會繼續接觸更多青少年,以期他 們將來貢獻社會,包括參與入境事務處等工作崗位。 香港市民對政府的期望日益殷切,我有信心入境事務處 會秉持一貫追求卓越、精益求精的專業態度,悉力以 赴,為市民和旅客提供質效並重的服務,並會嚴謹做好 出入境管理工作,促進香港融入國家發展大局。 香港特別行政區 政務司司長李家超 I am pleased to extend my warmest congratulations to the Immigration Department on its 60 th anniversary. The Immigration Department attaches equal importance to law enforcement and service delivery. The Department has been acting as a gatekeeper for Hong Kong, keeping close guard at the forefront to safeguard national security and ensure the long-term prosperity and stability of the city. The Department is strongly committed to serving every traveling citizen and visitor with efficiency. The Immigration Department comes in touch with all citizens through the provision of a wide way of services, from the issue of identification and travel documents to birth and marriage registration. Putting people first, the Department strives to offer quality services that best meet the needs of society. The Department has introduced caring measures such as the Arrangements for Identity Card Replacement with the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities and the On-site Identity Card Replacement Service under the Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise. These arrangements have been well-received by the public and attained the “ My Favourite City Partnership Scheme Award ” under the Hong Kong Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme 2020 for setting an excellent example of promoting a caring and inclusive culture. The Government places emphasis on social participation of young people. The Immigration Department has been fulfilling its social responsibility of nurturing the younger generation. Established in 2013, the Immigration Department Youth Leaders Corps has organised an array of training programmes and fundamental national education activities to help young participants enhance their understanding of and sense of belonging to the country, cultivate a sense of discipline and team spirit, and develop positive values. To date, the Corps has provided training to some 400 youths. It will continue to reach out to more youths in the hope that they will contribute to society through joining the Immigration Department or in various other capacities. I am confident that the Immigration Department will continue to strive for perfection and excellence to live up to the community ’ s growing expectations towards the Government, by offering superb and highly efficient services to our citizens and visitors, and maintaining vigilant immigration control in facilitating Hong Kong ’ s integration into the overall development of the country. (John K C Lee) Chief Secretary for Administration Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 10