
引言 Introduction 入境事務處(入境處)一直堅守初心,無畏無懼地把守國家的南大門,以維護國家安全、維護香港安定繁榮為使命。六十年來, 我們銳意創新、積極求進,引入先進科技,致力為市民和旅客提供優質的服務。 翻開《入境事務處六十周年紀念特刊》,一幅幅珍貴相片映入眼簾,一幕幕昔日片段躍然紙上。透過豐富的圖文,結合擴增實境 體驗,我們希望這本特刊能讓讀者細味入境處六十年來精益求精、追求卓越的歷程,並同時領會到入境處熱愛國家的情懷和建 設香港的美好願景。 謹獻上此特刊給所有先輩前賢和不同崗位的同事,全賴他們默默耕耘,繼往開來,在入境處這個廣闊舞台上努力不懈地以專業 精神演活自己的角色,入境處才能取得今天的不凡成就。 The Immigration Department (the department), with safeguarding national security as well as Hong Kong ’ s prosperity and stability as its prime mission, has all along stayed true to the original aspiration of guarding our country ’ s southern gateway dauntlessly. Over the past 60 years, we have been striving for innovation and improvement through the introduction of advanced technology with the aim of providing quality services for members of the public and visitors. The Immigration Department 60 th Anniversary Report, peppered with precious photos, paints a vivid picture of fragments of the old days. It is hoped that, through the presentation of a rich array of illustrations and texts in combination with an augmented reality experience, this report will enable readers to savour the department ’ s journey in pursuit of brilliance and excellence over the past six decades, and get a glimpse of the department ’ s ardent love for our country and great vision for building Hong Kong. This report is dedicated to all our predecessors and colleagues at different posts. Our remarkable success today owes much to their assiduous efforts in going from strength to strength by striving to perform their respective roles with professionalism in the wide arena of the department.