Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

入境處與世界各地的執法機關保持緊密聯繫,以加強恐怖活動和跨境非法移民的情報交流。 The department maintains close liaison with law enforcement agencies worldwide to strengthen intelligence exchange on terrorist activities and transnational illegal migration activities. 跨部門反恐專責組在鯉魚門公園首次進行代號為「擎天」的大型跨部門反恐演習。 The Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Unit conducted its first large-scale inter-departmental counter-terrorism exercise, codenamed 'Powersky', at Lei Yue Mun Park. 跨部門合作 Inter-departmental cooperation 入境處積極參與跨部門反恐專責組統籌的跨部門反恐 演習,以加強處理恐襲事件的協調和應變能力。 The department actively participates in the inter-departmental CT exercises organised by the ICTU, with a view to enhancing co- ordination and responsiveness in CT. 跨部門反恐專責組成員來自六個紀律部隊,包括警務處、入境事務 處、香港海關、懲教署、消防處及政府飛行服務隊。 The ICTU comprises members from six law enforcement agencies, namely the Hong Kong Police Force, Immigration Department, Customs and Excise Department, Correctional Services Department, Fire Services Department and Government Flying Service. 99 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality