Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 船隻的出入境檢查 Immigration Clearance of Vessels 所有船隻在進入香港水域時或離開香港水域前,均須接受出入境檢查。 除非另有指示或獲得入境處豁免,船長須把船隻碇泊於其中一個入境 船隻認可碇泊處,並懸掛指定的入境檢查訊號,等候檢查。入境船隻認可 碇泊處是指分別位於維多利亞港東面和西面的「入境船隻東面碇泊處」 (俗稱「東頭」)和「入境船隻西面碇泊處」(俗稱「西頭」),以及位於屯門的 「入境船隻屯門碇泊處」。入境檢查訊號日間是以載有「 HNN 」三個字母的 旗號顯示,夜間則以三盞白燈由上而下垂直顯示,燈與燈之間保持等距 至少一米,並且須在最少一海里範圍內從任何角度均可看見。 Vessels are required to present for immigration clearance upon arrival in and prior to departure from the Hong Kong waters. Unless otherwise directed or exempted by the department, the master of the vessel has to anchor the vessel at one of the approved immigration anchorages and hoist the prescribed immigration examination signal while awaiting immigration examination. Approved immigration anchorages refer to the ‘ Eastern Immigration Anchorage ’ and the ‘ Western Immigration Anchorage ’ , respectively located to the east and west of the Victoria Harbour, and the ‘ Tuen Mun Immigration Anchorage ’ , located in Tuen Mun. The immigration examination signal is, by day, the letters ‘ HNN ’ shown by a signal flag, and by night, three white lights in a vertical line one over the other, equally spaced at a distance of not less than one metre and visible from any direction within a distance of at least one nautical mile. 六十年代入境處人員登上船隻為船員及旅客辦理出入境手續 的情況 Officers of the department boarding a ship for performing immigration clearance for the crew and passengers in the 1960s 入境處船隻準備為一艘貨船辦理入境手續 Immigration launch approaching a cargo vessel for immigration clearance 入境處人員登上船隻進行例行搜查 Officers of the department boarding a ship to conduct routine checks 「 HNN 」旗號 The ‘ HNN ’ signal flag 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 95