Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 啟德機場 Kai Tak Airport 啟德機場是香港國際機場的前身,於一九九八年 七月關閉。啟德機場曾經歷多次擴建及改建, 以應付不斷增加的旅客量。珍貴的歷史照片和 影像讓我們一睹景物變遷之餘,亦可以感受入境處歷代前線人員堅 守崗位的專業精神。面對旅客量增加所帶來的挑戰,入境處會繼續 致力為旅客提供優質的出入境服務。 Kai Tak Airport, the predecessor of the HKIA, was closed in July 1998. It underwent numerous expansions and reconstructions in order to cope with the ever-increasing passenger traffic. From these precious historical photos and videos, we can have a glimpse of how things have changed over the years and how generations of our frontline staff stood fast at their posts with professionalism. In the face of the challenges of the growing passenger traffic, the department will continue its endeavours to deliver quality immigration clearance services for passengers. 六、七十年代入境處人員在啟德機場為旅客辦理出入境手續的情況 Officers of the department performing immigration clearance for passengers at the Kai Tak Airport in the 1960s and 1970s 一九八一年啟德機場的出入境櫃位 Immigration counters of the Kai Tak Airport in 1981 八十年代,隨著電腦化系統的引入,出入境服務的效率得以提升。 The efficiency of immigration clearance service was enhanced through the introduction of computer system in the 1980s. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 91