Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

入境處人員在香港國際機場為航空旅客提供專業而優質的出入境服務。 Officers of the department providing professional and quality immigration service for air passengers at the HKIA. 香港國際機場自一九九八年啟用至今,一直是全球最繁忙 的機場之一。過去十年,入境處機場管制站每年平均為 逾四千萬人次辦理出入境手續。入境處人員憑着精益求精、 力求創新的精神,表現專業,辛勤付出,獲得世界各地旅客 的支持和認同。 連繫世界 享譽全球 Global Connection and World-class Services Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) has been one of the busiest airports in the world ever since it was commissioned in 1998. Over the past decade, the Airport Control Point of the department served an average of over 40 million passengers each year. Striving for excellence and innovation, officers of the department have won the support and recognition from international travellers for their professionalism and dedication. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 88