Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 出入境蓋章 Immigration Stamps 六十年來,入境處的服務不斷推陳出新,出入境 蓋章的設計亦經歷數次演變。入境處於二零一三年 起為訪港旅客及香港非永久性居民推行「出入境 免蓋章安排」。入境蓋章由入境標籤取代,標籤上 載有旅客在港的逗留條件及期限等資料,旅客出 境時不會獲發任何標籤或蓋章。此項措施縮減了 出入境檢查時間。在仍然使用出入境蓋章的年代, 不同的蓋章顏色代表不同的管制站:黑色代表 機場管制站,紅色代表陸路邊境管制站,綠色代 表中國客運碼頭管制站,而紫色則代表其他港口 管制科轄下的管制站。 Over the past six decades, the department has been striving for innovation in service delivery. The immigration stamps have also undergone several changes in their designs. The Non-stamping Immigration Clearance Arrangement for visitors and Hong Kong non-permanent residents was introduced in 2013. Stamping on travel documents during arrival clearance is replaced by the issue of a landing slip bearing information such as the visitors ’ conditions and limit of stay. When visitors depart, no slip will be issued and their travel documents will not be stamped. The measure has shortened the clearance time. During the time when stamping was still in use, different stamp colours represented different control points: black represented the Airport Control Point, red represented the land boundary control points, green represented the China Ferry Terminal Control Point, while purple represented other control points under the command of the Harbour Division. 1967-1969 1977-1982 1969-1972 1982-1994 1972-1977 1994-2008 2008- 現在 present 逗留標籤減少經常旅遊人士因蓋滿出入境印章而需頻密更換 旅行證件的不便。 The use of landing slip minimises the inconvenience arising from the need to replace travel documents at short intervals. 早期的印箱就如一個鐵造的公事包,內裡擺放各式各樣的 印章。整個印箱連所有印章約重 1.5 公斤。 The stamp box in the past was similar to a briefcase made of iron. Including various kinds of immigration stamps, its overall weight was about 1.5 kilograms. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 87