Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 最繁忙的出入境管制站 The Busiest Immigration Control Point 在 2019 冠狀病毒病爆發前,羅湖管制站是本港最繁忙的管制站,旅客流量於二零一二年創下 新高,達 9 500 萬人次,即每日平均旅客流量 26 萬人次。在人潮高峯期,羅湖管制站會按需要 實施「對應式人流管理措施」,以疏導旅客。此外,自二零零三年起,入境處與香港警務處和 香港海關合作,於旅客流量高的日子,在羅湖管制站成立邊境聯合指揮中心,對各口岸的人流及 車流作出即時監控,並因應旅客流量在各邊境口岸靈活調配人手。中心亦會透過港深熱線, 與內地單位互通消息,並在有需要時啟動應變措施或向公眾發放信息,以更有效地疏導人流。 為加強整體處理能力,羅湖管制站亦進行多次改善工程,如擴建出入境大堂、推出快捷 e- 道及 訪港旅客自助離境服務(「離境易」)等。為應對 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情,羅湖管制站的客運通關 服務於二零二零年二月起暫停直至另行通知。 Before the outbreak of COVID-19, Lo Wu Control Point was the busiest control point in Hong Kong. It reached a new peak in 2012 with 95 million passengers in total, or the daily average passenger traffic was 260,000. During peak periods, the ‘ Contra-flow Crowd Management Measure ’ will be implemented to relieve congestion where necessary. In addition, since 2003, the department has worked with the Hong Kong Police Force and the Customs and Excise Department to establish the Boundary Joint Command Centre at Lo Wu Control Point on days with heavy passenger traffic for instant monitoring of passenger and vehicular flows at various boundary control points, and for flexible deployment of manpower in response to passenger traffic. There is also a hotline set up between Hong Kong and Shenzhen for communication and exchange of information with the Mainland authorities. Where necessary, a contingency plan will be put into action or information will be disseminated to the public, so as to ease passenger flow more effectively. To strengthen the overall handling capacity of Lo Wu Control Point, several improvement works have been carried out, such as expansion of arrival and departure halls, launching of Express e-Channel and self-service departure for visitors to Hong Kong (Smart Departure). In response to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, passenger clearance services at Lo Wu Control Point had been suspended from February 2020 until further notice. 六十年代的羅湖橋 Lo Wu Bridge in the 1960s 為應付龐大的出入境人潮,羅湖管制站按需要啟動人流管理措施 以疏導旅客。 To cope with the large influx of arriving and departing passengers, Lo Wu Control Point would implement crowd management measures to relieve congestion when necessary. 早年大量旅客在羅湖管制站等候辦理出入境手續的情況。 Passengers waiting for immigration clearance at Lo Wu Control Point in the early days. 每逢公眾假期,羅湖管制站都會出現出入境人潮,入境處需要抽調人手到前線,應付 急增的通關需求。圖為九十年代羅湖管制站的入境大堂。 Lo Wu Control Point was crowded with inbound and outbound passengers during public holidays, when manpower had to be redeployed to the frontline to cope with the upsurge in demand for immigration clearance service. The photo shows the arrival hall of Lo Wu Control Point in the 1990s. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 85