Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 「最有禮貌入境管制人員選舉」 The Most Courteous Immigration Control Officers Election 入境處自一九九六年開始舉辦「最有禮貌入境管制人員選舉」,至今二十多年,目的是鼓勵前線人員在執行出入境管制工作的同時,不忘發揚部門精益求精的專業精神,以有 禮的態度為市民及旅客提供優質的服務。選舉期間,市民及旅客如認同提供出入境檢查服務的人員表現值得嘉許,可即時投該人員一票。 e- 道使用者如認為有關人員在協助 他們時服務可嘉,亦可投以一票。得票最多的入境管制人員將獲香港旅遊發展局委任為「香港禮貌大使」。 The Most Courteous Immigration Control Officers Election has been held for over two decades since 1996 to encourage frontline officers to strive for excellence with professionalism and provide quality services to the public and travellers with courtesy while exercising immigration control. During the voting period, the public and travellers are encouraged to vote on the spot for officers who have provided commendable immigration clearance services. e-Channels users can also vote for staff members who have offered commendable services in rendering assistance to them. The immigration control officer with the highest number of votes will be appointed as a Hong Kong Courtesy Ambassador by the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB). 「最有禮貌入境管制人員」會獲香港旅遊發展局委任為「香港禮貌 大使」。圖為二零零三年的得獎者與香港旅遊發展局代表及時任 處長黎棟國合照。 The Most Courteous Immigration Control Officer will be appointed as a Hong Kong Courtesy Ambassador by the HKTB. This photo shows the winner of 2003 with the representative of the HKTB and the then Director of Immigration, Mr LAI Tung- kwok. 入境處自一九九六年開始舉辦「最有禮貌入境管制人員選舉」, 各個管制站在選舉期間會放置選票及投票箱予市民及旅客投票。 The Most Courteous Immigration Control Officers Election has been held since 1996. During the voting period, ballot forms and ballot boxes were placed at the control points for the public and travellers to cast their votes. 「最有禮貌入境管制人員選舉」旨在鼓勵前線人員在執行出入境 管制工作的同時,以有禮的態度為市民及旅客提供優質的服務。 The Most Courteous Immigration Control Officers Election has been held to encourage frontline officers to provide quality services to the public and travellers with courtesy while exercising immigration control. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 81