Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

粵港雙方同意先開放蓮塘╱香園圍口岸的貨檢設施供跨境貨車使用,視乎 2019 冠狀 病毒病的疫情發展,再落實口岸 24 小時的旅客通關服務。 Both Guangdong and Hong Kong have agreed to open first the cargo clearance facilities for cross- boundary goods vehicles and, subject to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, implement 24-hour passenger clearance in due course. 香園圍邊境管制站 Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point 於二零二零年八月二十六日啟用的蓮塘╱香園圍口岸,是深港邊界第七個陸路口岸。 蓮塘╱香園圍口岸,備有「人車直達」設施,連接深圳東部過境高速,有助香港在 大灣區「一小時生活圈」的大格局下,提供更廣闊的發展空間,促進人流和物流,推動 經濟發展及地區合作。 The Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, commissioned on 26 August 2020, is the seventh land control point at the Hong Kong-Shenzhen boundary. The Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, which provides direct access facilities for both passengers and vehicles and connects to the Shenzhen Eastern Corridor, gives Hong Kong more room for development, fosters the flow of people and goods, and promotes economic development and regional cooperation under the ‘ one-hour living circle ’ in the Greater Bay Area. 香園圍邊境管制站是香港首個以「人車直達」概念設計的管制站。旅客可乘搭公共交通、駕駛汽車或利用連接口岸的行人 隧道直達口岸,辦理出入境手續後過境。 The Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point is Hong Kong ’ s first-ever control point designed with the concept of ‘ direct access by passengers and vehicles ’ . Passengers can have direct access to the boundary control point for immigration clearance and cross the boundary by public transport, by car or on foot through a pedestrian subway. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 78