Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

香園圍邊境管制站外觀 Appearance of the Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point 設於管制站的車輛 e- 道能為跨境貨車司機提供方便快捷的出入境檢查服務,令跨境 物流更暢順有效地運作。 Vehicular e-Channels at control points provide speedy clearance service for cross-boundary drivers, thereby facilitating the smooth and efficient operation of cross-boundary logistics. 落實「東進東出、西進西出」佈局 Implementing the ‘ East in East out, West in West out ’ planning strategy 香港和內地關係密切,往來交通網絡發達,口岸設備完善,交流頻繁。香港的陸路口岸包括羅湖、落馬洲支線、紅磡、深圳灣、 落馬洲、沙頭角、文錦渡、高鐵西九龍站、港珠澳大橋香港口岸及蓮塘╱香園圍口岸。二零二零年《施政報告》公布,香港特區政府 將繼續完善港深陸路口岸建設,並逐步落實跨境貨運 「東進東出、西進西出」的佈局,即現時取道皇崗╱落馬洲、文錦渡和沙頭角 陸路口岸的跨境貨車,除了運載鮮活食物貨車因須衞生檢查仍繼續使用文錦渡口岸外,均須改用東部蓮塘╱香園圍口岸和西部深圳 灣口岸,以保留其餘陸路口岸主力處理客運。 Hong Kong and the Mainland are closely connected. With well-developed boundary crossing transportation networks and cross-boundary facilities, there are frequent contacts between the two places. The locations of Hong Kong ’ s land boundary control points include Lo Wu, Lok Ma Chau Spur Line, Hung Hom, Shenzhen Bay Port, Lok Ma Chau, Sha Tau Kok, Man Kam To, West Kowloon Station of the Express Rail Link, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port and the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point. As announced in the 2020 Policy Address, the HKSAR Government would continue to enhance the infrastructure of land boundary control points between Hong Kong and Shenzhen and progressively implement the ‘ East in East out, West in West out ’ planning strategy for cross-boundary goods traffic. Under the ‘ East in East out, West in West out ’ strategy, cross-boundary goods vehicles currently using the Huanggang/Lok Ma Chau, Man Kam To and Sha Tau Kok Control Points will have to use the Liantang/Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point in the east and the Shenzhen Bay Port in the west, reserving the remaining land boundary control points mainly for passenger traffic, save for fresh food trucks which will continue to use the Man Kam To Control Point for food safety and hygiene inspections. 貫通東西 融合灣區 Better Connection and Deeper Integration 77