Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

前往日本的入境處人員就各項安排與當地政府磋商,以解決滯留港人最迫切的問題,並疏導他們的焦慮情緒,安排他們盡快回家。 Immigration officers deployed to Japan discussed various arrangements with the local governments so as to address the most pressing issues of the stranded Hong Kong residents, ease their anxiety and arrange for them to return home as soon as possible. 留港作後勤支援的同事,一直與求助人及其家屬保持聯絡,日以 繼夜提供最新資訊,並與公署、中國駐當地使領館和當地政府機關 溝通,以便前往當地的前線同事作出充足準備和妥善安排。 Officers who stayed in Hong Kong to provide logistic support were in constant contact with the assistance seekers and their families to provide updates round the clock, and communicated with the OCMFA, the CDCM in Japan and government authorities, so as to facilitate frontline officers deployed abroad in making adequate preparation and proper arrangements. 193 名滯留「鑽石公主號」郵輪的港人分乘三班包機回港。 193 Hong Kong residents who had been stranded on the Diamond Princess cruise ship were brought home by three charter flights. 67 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services