Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

「鑽石公主號」郵輪的撤離行動 Evacuation operations on the Diamond Princess cruise ship 2019 冠狀病毒病肆虐全球,不少香港居民因而滯留在內地或海外。為處理急增的查詢和求助個案,入境處在二零二零年動員超過 680 人參與小組的前線行動和提供後勤支援,務求讓每一位在外港人盡快回家。當中,日本和湖北省的撤離行動更充分展現了入境 處人員的勇氣及專業精神。在保安局統籌以及公署和中國駐當地使領館的大力協助下,入境處人員於二零二零年二月份前往日本, 順利以三班包機,成功把 193 名滯留在「鑽石公主號」郵輪的港人接返香港。 As the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc around the world, many Hong Kong residents were stranded outside Hong Kong. In order to handle the surge of requests for assistance, the department mobilised over 680 officers in 2020 to provide frontline and logistic support, so as to ensure that every Hong Kong resident outside Hong Kong could return home as soon as possible. The evacuation operations in Japan and Hubei Province, in particular, had fully demonstrated the bravery and professionalism in our staff. With the co-ordination of the Security Bureau and the staunch support from the OCMFA and the CDCM in Japan, the department sent a team to Japan in February 2020 and successfully brought home by three charter flights 193 Hong Kong residents who had been stranded on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. 66 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services