Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

透過自我學習強化系統 Enhancement through self-learning 「智能服務大使」配備最新的語音對答系統。由聽到查詢者的第一句說話開始,系統便會分析對方的聲音並轉換成文字,利用人工 智能理解當中的意思,再組成一段仿如真人的說話,並配以適當的表情和動作,即時以預設的內容作出回應,讓市民得到嶄新而流暢 的服務體驗。 ‘ i Ambassador ’ equips with the latest interactive voice response system. Starting from hearing the first sentence from the enquirer, the system will analyse the voice of the enquirer, convert the speech into text, decode its meaning with the use of AI, and instantly give pre-defined answers by working out highly human-like speech uttered with appropriate facial expressions and gestures, which enables members of the public to have an unprecedented and smooth user experience. 為甚麼入境處要引入「智能服務大使」﹖ Why does the Immigration Department bring in the ‘ i Ambassador ’ ? 人工智能已廣泛應用於不同行業,能有效減輕人手 壓力,使員工可以專注處理更複雜的工作。 Nowadays, AI is widely applied in various industries, effectively relieving manpower pressure while allowing human staff to focus on handling more complicated tasks. 自我學習是人工智能技術的一大特點。透過持續的 「訓練」,系統的數據庫和認知能力得以不斷強化, 令「智能服務大使」更聰明、更人性化,可應付現實生活 中各種不同的情景。 Self-learning is a key feature of AI technology. Through constant ‘ training ’ , the system ’ s database and its cognitive ability can be enhanced continuously, making ‘ i Ambassador ’ smarter and more humanised to handle different scenarios of everyday life. 入境處日後會積極探討可否擴展人工智能服務,例如增加 「智能服務大使」的應用語言、利用人工智能處理簡單的 電話查詢、以及把人工智能結合其他電腦系統綜合使用等。 In the future, the department will actively explore the feasibility of extending our AI services, such as the use of more languages compatible with ‘ i Ambassador ’ , utilisation of AI to handle simple telephone enquiries, and integrated use of AI and other computer systems. 「智能服務大使」有甚麼優點﹖ What are the competences of ‘ i Ambassador ’ ? 未來入境處會否引入更多人工智能服務﹖ Will the department introduce more AI services in the future? 61 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services