Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

「智能服務大使」以性格活潑開朗、樂於助人和穿著整齊制服的入境處人員作為設計藍本。 ‘ i Ambassador ’ is modelled on a lively, cheerful and helpful immigration officer in neat and tidy uniform. 為配合構建智慧城市,入境處的查詢及聯絡組於二零二一年 八月透過本地創科公司引進「智能服務大使」。這個動畫形 式的語音機械人為到訪入境處總部的人士提供現場導覽資訊 及解答簡單查詢。入境處更是首個政府部門應用人工智能 技術,設置可與真人直接對話的語音機械人。 智能大使 解答查詢 AI Solutions to Enquiries To support the development of a smart city, the Information and Liaison Section of the department brought in an artificial intelligence (AI) virtual agent, ‘ i Ambassador ’ , through a local I&T company in August 2021. This animated voicebot gives on-site navigation information to visitors of the Immigration Headquarters and answers their simple enquiries. The department is also the first government department to set up with the application of AI technology a voicebot that can interact directly with humans. 60 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services