Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

獻辭及題辭 Messages and Apothegms 入境事務處成立六十周年,謹此衷心致賀。 過去六十年,入境事務處在保障香港安全方面擔當重要 角色,對促進香港繁榮亦貢獻良多。該處致力執行開放 入境政策,吸引世界各地的商業專才及旅客匯聚香港, 同時堅定實行有效、公正、情理兼備的管制措施,協助 香港發揮「一國兩制」的優勢,把握粵港澳大灣區建設 和「一帶一路」倡議帶來的種種機遇。 入境事務處自一九六一年成立以來,不斷因時制宜, 推行適當的措施,以切合社會需要及市民期望。最近, 該處便為持續推展的「全港市民換領身份證計劃」增設 便民安排,在新綜合辦事處提供「一站式」服務,並且 應用先進技術,提升服務水平。可見該處努力求進, 竭誠為民。 令我印象尤深的,是入境事務處在新冠肺炎疫情期間, 派出特遣隊協助滯留湖北省和日本「鑽石公主號」郵輪 的香港居民回港。該處本着以人為本的心志,以及高度 專業的精神,迎難而上,完成這兩項艱鉅任務。過去多 年,該處一直秉持這原則,克服無數挑戰。 這以人為本的方針,亦從該處加強與外交部駐港特派員 公署和中國駐外使領館合作中可見一斑。有賴這些機構 大力協助,入境事務處得以為有需要的香港居民提供 適切的支援,確保他們在境外的安全和合法權益得到 保障。 我深信入境事務處定會一如既往,以正直忠誠的態度、 不屈不撓的精神,盡心竭力為香港市民服務。在入境事 務處喜迎六十周年之際,我謹向部門每一位同事衷心致 意,祝願大家來年工作順利,成果豐碩。 香港特別行政區 行政長官林鄭月娥 It gives me great pleasure to congratulate the Immigration Department on the 60 th anniversary of its establishment. For six decades, the Immigration Department has played a critical role in ensuring Hong Kong ’ s security and contributing to its prosperity. Through its open immigration policy, the Department attracts business professionals and travellers from around the world, while exercising effective, impartial and compassionate control. This determined approach has helped Hong Kong realise the advantages of the “ One Country, Two Systems ” principle, while pursuing the opportunities presented by the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Development and the Belt and Road Initiative. From the beginning, in 1961, the Immigration Department has worked to introduce and uphold measures that meet the needs and aspirations of our society and community. More recently, they range from the ongoing Territory-wide Identity Card Replacement Exercise, which offers one-stop services through the new regional office, to the application of advanced services technologies. I was particularly impressed by the Immigration Department ’ s operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, when it despatched special teams to bring home Hong Kong residents stranded in Hubei Province together with those aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship in Japan. These and countless other challenges over the years have been met and surmounted, thanks to the Department ’ s people- oriented mind-set and abiding professionalism. That people-centred approach is also in evidence in the Department ’ s growing collaboration with the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Diplomatic and Consular Missions. With their invaluable assistance, the Department has provided practical support for Hong Kong residents in need, ensuring their safety and legal rights outside Hong Kong. I have every confidence that the Immigration Department will continue to serve the Hong Kong community with integrity and consummate commitment. I wish the Department, and each and every employee, a happy 60 th anniversary and a rewarding year ahead. (Mrs Carrie Lam) Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 6