Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

各項關愛共融安排 Various caring and inclusive arrangements 為照顧不同社羣的需要,入境處除了設置多項暢通易達和關愛設施外,近年更積極在各個 服務範疇引入關愛共融的元素。 To cater for the needs of different groups in the community, the department has provided a number of accessible and caring facilities, and has gone further by incorporating caring and inclusive elements in various service areas in recent years. 語音輔助 e- 道 Voice-navigated e-Channels 部分出入境管制站設有語音輔 助 e- 道,方便視障人士使用自 助出入境檢查服務。視障人士 可根據相關點字牌及語音提示 完成出入境檢查手續。 To fac i l i tate visual ly impai red persons i n us i ng se l f -serv i ce immigrat ion clearance service, voice-navigated e-Channels have been installed at various control points. Visually impaired persons can follow the relevant braille tags and voice instructions to complete the immigration clearance process. 環線感應系統 Induction loop system 入境處辦事處的部分服務櫃枱 已裝設環線感應系統。聽障人 士只需把助聽器調到「 T 」檔, 便可通過有線圈清晰地接收聲 音信號,與職員溝通。 An induction loop system has been installed at some of the service counters of our offices. By simply swi tching the hear ing a ids to the ‘ T ’ setting, hearing impaired persons can receive sound signals through the telecoil clearly and communicate with our staff. 點字版旅行證件 Braille-printed travel documents 為照顧視障人士的需要, 2019 年版電子護照的個人資料 頁背面可以點字印上護照號碼 和護照有效期。 To cater for the needs of visually impaired persons, the passport number and the passport expiry date can be printed in braille on the back of the data page of the e-Passport (2019 version). 凸字智能身份證 Braille-printedsmart identity cards 為方便視障人士識別其身份 證,智能身份證的背面可以凸 字印上身份證號碼的六個數字 (英文字首和括號內的數字╱ 英文字母除外)。 To fac i l i tate visual ly impai red persons in identifying their identity cards, the six digits of the identity ca rd numbe r ( excep t f o r t he alphabetical prefix and the digit/ alphabet in bracket) can be printed in braille on the back of their smart identity cards. 點字版表格 Braille-printed forms 入境處把一些常用的人事登記 表格的內容轉譯成點字,為視 障人士提供辦理智能身份證申 請╱換領手續的相關資料。 The department has transcribed the contents of a number of commonly used forms for registrat ion of persons into brai l le to provide visually impaired persons with information on the procedures for smart identity card application/ replacement. 59 創新思維 以人為本 Innovative Ideas and People-oriented Services