Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

一九八七年七月,全港市民開始分批換領可以跨越 一九九七年七月一日的新款電腦身份證。第二代電腦 身份證有兩類:香港永久性居民身份證和香港身份證。 香港永久性居民身份證上註明持證人享有香港居留權。 From July 1987, the revised computerised identity card was issued in phases for use beyond 1 July 1997. There were two types of the second generation computerised identity card: the Hong Kong permanent identity card and the Hong Kong identity card. The Hong Kong permanent identity card contained a statement that the holder has the right of abode in Hong Kong. 為配合社會發展的需要,入境處引入尖端科技,於 二零零三年六月二十三日開始簽發智能身份證。智能 身份證的微型晶片儲存持證人指紋模板及相片,具高 度防偽功能。 To meet the needs of social development, the department started issuing smart identity cards from 23 June 2003. Featuring state-of-the-art technologies, the smart identity card stores in its microchip the template of the holder ’ s thumbprints and photos, which serves as a very effective deterrent against forgery. 新智能身份證於二零一八年十一月二十六日推出,並逐 漸取代舊有智能身份證。新智能身份證不但更耐用和 具備更強的防偽特徵,其晶片和保障個人資料的技術還 有所提升。 The new smart identity card has been issued from 26 November 2018 to replace the existing ones. There is enhancement in security features, card durability as well as chip technology and personal data protection of the new smart identity cards. 5 6 7 第二代電腦身份證 Second generation computerised identity card 智能身份證 Smart identity card 新智能身份證 New smart identity card 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 49