Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 2006 e- 道里程碑 Milestone of e-Channels e- 道讓香港居民及訪港旅客以自助形式辦理出入境手續,突破了以往「一人一櫃枱」出入境檢查模式的限制。 推出 e- 道後,入境處可以在無需增加口岸土地和人力資源的情況下,更快捷有效地處理持續增長的出入境 檢查工作,並同時提升服務質素。截至二零二零年年底,全港各個管制站共設有 757 條 e- 道。自第一條 e- 道於 二零零四年十二月在羅湖管制站啟用以來,使用 e- 道的總人次已超過 19 億。 By employing fingerprint verification technology for identity verification, e-Channels allow Hong Kong residents and visitors to perform self-service immigration clearance – removing the constraints of the previous manual counter-service clearance mode. Since its introduction, the department is able to cope with the increasing workload of immigration clearance speedily and effectively without increasing resources and at the same time enhancing service quality. As at the end of 2020, a total of 757 e-Channels were installed at all control points in Hong Kong. Since the launch of the first e-Channel at the Lo Wu Control Point in December 2004, the total number of users of e-Channels has exceeded 1.9 billion. 2004 2005 2 06 2007 2008 2009 2004.12 第一條 e- 道在羅湖管制站啟用,當時只限 11 歲或 以上並持有智能身份證的香港永久性居民使用。 The first e-Channel was put into operation at the Lo Wu Control Point. Its use was limited to Hong Kong permanent residents aged 11 or above who were holders of smart identity cards at that time. 2007.12 跨境學童可使用 e- 道過關。 e-Channels were made available to cross-boundary students for immigration clearance. 2008.5 成功登記的合資格經常訪港旅客可 使用香港國際機場的 e- 道。 Eligible frequent visitors who had successfully registered could use the e-Channels at the Hong Kong International Airport. 2009.3 在羅湖管制站推出快捷 e- 道, 過關時間得以進一步縮短。 Express e-Channels were launched at the Lo Wu Control Point, further shortening the time for clearance. 2006.1 e- 道服務的使用對象擴展至持有 簽證身份書和智能身份證的 香港非永久性居民。 The e-Channel service was extended to Hong Kong non-permanent residents holding Documents of Identity for Visa Purposes and smart identity cards. 2005.4 在落馬洲管制站推出首條車輛 e- 道。 The first vehicular e-Channel was introduced at the Lok Ma Chau Control Point. 嶄新概念 尖端科技 Brand-new Concepts and Cutting-edge Technology 38