Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

協助內地受困香港居民 Assisting Hong Kong residents in distress in the Mainland 2019 冠狀病毒病爆發初期,五個駐內地辦事處的入境事務組設立了電話專線,讓身處內地的香港居民在春節假期 期間致電求助。二零二零年一月,湖北省採取「封城」措施以控制疫情,省內所有公共交通停運,不少香港居民滯留 當地,當中更有人不幸染疫。駐武漢經濟貿易辦事處(駐武漢辦)的入境事務組人員全力協助滯留和染疫的香港居民, 同時與衞生署協調,把應急藥物從香港送往駐武漢辦,再分發予有需要的香港居民。二零二零年三月,香港特區 政府先後安排八班專機到武漢天河國際機場,順利地把過千名滯留湖北省的香港居民接載回港。 At the early stage of the COVID-19, the Immigration Divisions of the five Mainland offices set up telephone hotlines for Hong Kong residents in the Mainland for seeking assistance during the Spring Festival holiday. In January 2020, Hubei Province adopted ‘ lockdown ’ measures to prevent further spread of the epidemic. All public transports in Hubei Province were suspended and thus many Hong Kong residents were stranded there and a few were unfortunately infected of COVID-19. Staff of the Immigration Division of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Wuhan (WHETO) strove to provide assistance to the distressed Hong Kong residents and coordinated with the Department of Health delivering emergency medicines from Hong Kong to WHETO for distribution to those in need. In March 2020, the HKSAR Government arranged a total of eight charter flights to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport and successfully brought back over 1,000 Hong Kong residents stranded in Hubei Province. 二零二零年三月,時任政制及內地事務局局長聶德權和時任入境事務處處長曾國衞帶領香港特區政府團隊,到武漢天河國際機場 接載滯留湖北省的香港居民回港。 In March 2020, the then Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Patrick NIP Tak-kuen, and the then Director of Immigration, Mr Erick TSANG Kwok-wai, headed a team of the HKSAR Government to arrange charter flights to Wuhan Tianhe International Airport, bringing stranded Hong Kong residents back home. 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 27