Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

理想、使命和信念 Vision, Mission and Values 我們的理想 我們要成為世界上以能幹和效率稱冠的入境 事務隊伍。 我們的使命 為維護國家安全和為香港的安定繁榮作出 貢獻,我們要全力執行下列工作: 執行有效的出入境管制,以方便旅客訪港,同時拒絕讓不受 歡迎人物入境 為在香港以外地方身陷困境的香港居民提供切實可行的協助 防範恐怖活動,並防止和偵查與出入境事宜有關的罪行 為居民簽發高度防偽的身份證及旅行證件 提供高效率的人事、出生、死亡及婚姻登記服務 提供入境便利以匯聚人才 我們要按一視同仁的原則,為市民提供優質服務,並以尊重、 體恤和關懷的態度對待每一位市民,不會因其殘疾、性別、婚 姻狀況、懷孕、家庭崗位、種族、國籍及宗教而有差異。 Our Vision We will be the foremost immigration service in the world in effectiveness and efficiency. Our Mission We will safeguard national security and contribute to the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong by: exercising effective immigration control to facilitate the visit of genuine travellers and keep out undesirables providing practicable assistance to Hong Kong residents in distress outside Hong Kong guarding against terrorist activities, and preventing and detecting immigration-related crimes issuing to residents highly secure identity cards and travel documents providing efficient services for registration of persons and civil registration for births, deaths and marriages providing immigration facilitation to attract talent We will provide quality service without discrimination and treat each member of the public with respect, consideration and compassion, irrespective of disability, sex, marital status, pregnancy, family status, race, nationality and religion.