Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 協助在外香港居民 Assistance to Hong Kong Residents outside Hong Kong 入境處與中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派 員公署、中國駐外國使領館及相關部門緊密合作,為在 外求助的香港居民提供切實可行的協助,並積極宣傳 中國領事保護工作,以維護國家海外利益的安全。 The depar tment works c l ose ly wi th the Of f i ce o f the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People ’ s Republic of China in the HKSAR, Chinese diplomatic and consular missions in overseas countries and the relevant departments to provide practicable assistance to Hong Kong residents who seek assistance outside Hong Kong, and to actively promote China ’ s consular protection work, so as to safeguard the security of the interests of our country abroad. 回歸前採用的徽號 The crest adopted before Hong Kong ’ s return to the Motherland 回歸後採用的新徽號 The new crest adopted after Hong Kong ’ s return to the Motherland 入境處徽號 Crest of Immigration Department 入境處(一九九七年七月一日前稱為「人民入境事務處」 ) 於一九六一年成立,採用帶有 殖民地色彩的徽號。自一九九七年香港回歸祖國,所有紀律部隊均採用新徽號。入境處的 新徽號由入境處設計,於一九九七年七月一日起獲正式採用。新徽號以洋紫荊花代替皇冠, 中間的青馬大橋象徵香港邁向新時代,而橋下的輪船、橋上的車輛和空中的飛機則分別代 表入境處在海、陸、空三方面的服務。 The department was established in 1961 with the adoption of a crest characterised by colonial features. Since Hong Kong ’ s return to the Motherland in 1997, new crests have been adopted for all disciplined services. The new crest was designed by the department and has been officially adopted since 1 July 1997. It uses a bauhinia to replace the crown, and the Tsing Ma Bridge in the middle to symbolise a new era of Hong Kong, with the ships underneath the bridge, the planes overhead and the vehicles on the bridge representing the services provided by the department in respects of sea, air and land respectively. PAST & PRESENT 一九九七年入境處人員 向公眾介紹新徽號 Officer of the department introducing the new crest in 1997 劃新時代 共建繁榮 Marking a New Era and Building Prosperity Together 19