Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

1990s 1997.7.1 入境處開始簽發香港特別行政 區護照,並獲指定為香港特區 受理中國國籍申請的機關。 The department started issuing HKSAR passports, and was designated as the authority of HKSAR responsible for handling Chinese nationality applications. 香港回歸祖國 Hong Kong ’ s return to the Motherland 簽發特區護照 Issuance of HKSAR passports 香港回歸祖國,香港特別行政區成立,「人民入境事務處」 改稱為「入境事務處」。 With Hong Kong ’ s return to the Motherland, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was established. 1997 政府推出「居留權證明書計劃」。 The Certificate of Entitlement Scheme was introduced. 1999.3 香港特別行政區政府駐北京辦 事處入境事務組正式成立。 The Immigration Division of the Office of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in Beijing was officially established. 1999 輸入優秀人才 Admission of talent 實施「輸入優秀人才計 劃」。此項計劃其後於二零 零三年七月與「輸入內地專 業人才計劃」整合成為「輸 入內地人才計劃」。 Implemented the Admission of Talents Scheme, which was merged with the Admission of Mainland Professionals Scheme in March 2007 to become the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals. 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 150