Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

1991 進行首個資訊系統策略檢討,以制訂有 關資訊科技應用和重整工序的長遠計劃。 The first Information System Strategic Review was conducted to formulate a long-term plan on information technology application and business process re-engineering. 1990 總部遷往灣仔入境事務大樓。 The headquarters was relocated to the Immigration Tower, Wanchai. 1995.9 在屯門掃管笏軍營設立入境處訓練學校。 The Immigration Service Training School was founded at the Perowne Barracks, Tuen Mun. 1990s 1987 出入境簡化計劃 Easy Travel Scheme 推出「出入境簡化計劃」,持香 港身份證出入境的香港居民獲 豁免提交旅客抵港或離港申報 表;同年,全港市民分批換領 可以跨越一九九七年七月一日 的第二代電腦身份證。 The Easy Travel Scheme was implemented to exempt Hong Kong residents travelling on Hong Kong identity cards from furnishing an arrival or departure card. In the same year, the second generation computerised identity cards for use beyond 1 July 1997 were issued in phases. 1993.9 入境事務處使用服務人士委員會成立。 The Immigration Department Users ’ Committee was established. 繼往開來 不斷求進 Soaring to New Heights 149