Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 入境事務處義工隊 The Immigration Department Volunteer Work Team (IDVWT) 入境處同人關愛社羣,熱心作出貢獻。不少入境 處人員經常利用工餘時間,全心全意為有需要人 士服務。入境事務處義工隊自二零零二年成立起, 一直與多個社福機構合作,定期探訪獨居長者和 到訪殘疾人士院舍,並協助舉辦大型社區活動, 推動社會共融。義工隊又經常舉辦和參與訓練課 程,例如手語課程、輪椅維修工作坊等,豐富隊 員的技能,以便提供更多元化的義工服務。 Staff of the depar tment cont r ibut e to the community with love and care, with many of them serving people in need wholeheartedly in their spare time. The IDVWT, since its establishment in 2002, has been working with a number of social welfare organisations to promote social inclusion by paying regular visits to singleton elderly households and homes for persons with disabilities and assisting in organising large-scale community activities. The IDVWT often organises and participates in training courses, such as sign language courses and wheelchair repair workshops, so as to enrich its members ’ knowledge and skills in order to provide more diversified voluntary services. 入境處人員經常利用工餘參與公益活動。由二零一一年至二零二零年 年底,義工隊累積的總服務時數超過 93 000 小時。圖為一九九八年 入境處人員參加步行籌款活動的情況。 Staff of the department often participate in charitable activities in their spare time. From 2011 to the end of 2020, the IDVWT accumulated more than 93,000 service hours. The photo shows staff of the department participating in walkathons in 1998. 長者是義工隊的服務對象之一,隊員不時進行家訪和到訪安老院, 送上溫暖。 The elderly is one of the target groups of the IDVWT. Members often pay home visits to the elderly and visit residential care homes for the elderly to show concern to them. 疫情期間,入境處義工隊仍繼續服務社會,包括支援威爾斯親王醫院的後勤工作,以及向有需要人士派發抗疫物資。 During the pandemic, the IDVWT has kept on serving the community by, among others, supporting the back office of the Prince of Wales Hospital and distributing anti-pandemic supplies to people in need. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 141