Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

靈活應變 專業承擔 High flexibility Professional commitment 不少香港居民因 2019 冠狀病毒病疫情滯留海外及內地,協助在外香港居民小組接獲 大量查詢。入境處在短時間內靈活調動人手,派遣人員到日本及湖北省武漢市提供支援, 同時安排包機和協調商業航班,接載約 8 000 名滯留外地的港人回港。為協助外籍家庭 傭工(外傭)及其僱主應對疫情,入境處亦推出一系列彈性安排,包括延長合約有效 期限和加快處理在港外傭的工作簽證申請。此外,入境處亦加強網上遞交申請的服務, 並分階段推出一系列便利簽證申請人的措施,以減少人羣聚集及社交接觸。入境處 透過內部調配人手,安排了超過 400 人支援相關的簽證組別,以應付訪客和非永久性 居民提交的大量延長逗留期限申請。 When quite a lot of Hong Kong residents were stranded overseas and in the Mainland due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a surge in the number of enquiries received. The department made flexible deployment of its manpower within a short period of time by sending staff to Japan and Wuhan, Hubei to provide support, and arranging charter flights and coordinating commercial flights to bring home some 8,000 Hong Kong residents stranded abroad. To help foreign domestic helpers (FDHs) and their employers cope with the pandemic, the department introduced a series of flexible arrangements, including extending the validity period of contracts and expediting the processing of applications for employment visas for FDHs in Hong Kong. Furthermore, to reduce crowd gatherings and social contact, the department enhanced its service for online submission of applications and introduced in phases a series of facilitation measures for visa applicants. To cope with the surge in the number of applications for extension of stay from visitors and non-permanent residents, the department redeployed internally over 400 staff members to provide support for the relevant visa sections. 入境處於二零二一年三月推出「智傭易」服務,以簡化外傭工作簽 證的申請手續。 In March 2021, the department launched the Smart Renewal service to simplify the application procedures for employment visas for FDHs. 入境處成立特別行動小組,突擊檢查強制檢疫人士有否遵從強制檢 疫令的規定。 The department has set up a special operation team to conduct spot checks on persons subject to compulsory quarantine to check if they have complied with the compulsory quarantine orders. 入境處調派人員到啟德的個案追蹤辦公室,運用專業的詢問及調查 技巧,參與追蹤密切接觸者的工作。 Staff of the department have been deployed to the Contact Tracing Office at Kai Tak Community Hall to conduct close contact tracing with their professional interrogation and investigation skills. 入境處在各管制站設立特定櫃位,方便參與「回港易」計劃的香港居民有序返港。 The department has set up designated counters at control points to facilitate Hong Kong residents returning to Hong Kong under the Return2hk Scheme to arrive in an orderly manner. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 139