Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

「入境事務處青少年領袖團」 Immigration Department Youth Leaders Corps (IDYL) 入境處於二零一三年成立「入境事務處青少年領袖團」,為本港中一至中六的學生提供紀律及領袖訓練,透過基礎國民教育和團隊活動等,協助學員培養紀律 意識和合作精神、加強國民身份認同,以及發展正向思維和價值觀、建立服務社會的熱忱。 In 2013, the department established the IDYL, which provides discipline and leadership training for Secondary 1 to 6 students in Hong Kong. Through elementary national studies programmes and group activities, the programme helps participants develop their sense of discipline and esprit de corp, strengthen their sense of national identity, and develop positive values and attitudes towards life and a passion for serving the community. 「入境事務處青少年領袖團」的學員接受由入境事務學院提供的多元化訓練,包括認識入境處、國民教育、 步操、體能及團隊活動等,亦會參觀入境處設施,以加深對入境處工作的了解及加強國民身份認同。 IDYL participants receive a variety of training programmes provided by the ISITD, including knowledge about the department, national studies, footdrill, physical fitness, group activities, etc, and are invited to visit to immigration facilities, so as to strengthen their understanding of the department ’ s work and sense of national identity. 學員在二零二零年舉行的「入境事務學院開放日暨青年發展日」設置攤位遊戲,加深參觀者對政府工作的了解。 IDYL participants set up a game booth on ‘ ISITD Open Day cum Youth Development Day ’ in 2020 to enhance visitors ’ understanding of the government ’ s work. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 137