Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

入境處儀仗隊手持禮賓槍演示中式步操。 The Departmental Contingent performed rifle drill in Chinese-style footdrill. 入境處自一九九九年起在部門儀式上演示中式步操。 Since 1999, the department has given demonstrations of Chinese-style footdrill at departmental ceremonies. 開創紀律部隊先河 A pioneer among the disciplined services 香港各紀律部隊(包括入境處)成立時均採用英式步操作為步操訓練基礎。香港回歸祖國後,為體現入境事務隊人員 的國家歸屬感及民族感情,入境處創下先河,於一九九九年首次於學員結業會操中引入中式步操。自此,入境處不 時邀請解放軍駐港部隊提供中式步操訓練,以提升人員步操水平,並在不同的部門儀式上演示中式步操,讓市民有 機會認識中式步操。二零二零年十月起,入境事務學院在現時傳統英式步操的基礎上,教授新入職的學員基礎中式 步操,為部門日後全面發展中式步操作好準備。 When the disciplined services of Hong Kong, including the Immigration Department, were first established, they adopted British-style footdrill as the basis for footdrill training. After Hong Kong ’ s return to the Motherland, in order to show our sense of belonging to our country and our national sentiment, the department pioneered the introduction of Chinese-style footdrill in departmental ceremonies in 1999. Since then, the department has invited the Hong Kong Garrison of the Chinese PLA from time to time to provide Chinese-style footdrill training to enhance marching skills of staff of the department, and has given demonstration of Chinese-style footdrill at various departmental ceremonies, so as to enable the public to gain an understanding of Chinese-style footdrill. Based on the existing training on traditional British-style footdrill, the ISITD started teaching new recruits the basics of Chinese-style footdrill since October 2020, in order to prepare for the department ’ s full adoption of Chinese-style footdrill in the future. 近年,入境處在步操演示中加入各種複雜多變的陣式和花式動作。 In recent years, the department has added complex and varied patterns and movements to its Chinese-style footdrill demonstrations. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 135