Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

模擬處境訓練 Simulated scenario training 為加強前線人員的院所管理知識及羈留室的戰術運用,學院近年增設 了模擬單人囚室及保護囚室,以及模擬青山灣入境事務中心寢室及 日間活動室。透過模擬處境訓練,學員能夠在真實環境下學習處理不 同程度的反抗及突發事件。 In order to enhance frontline officers ’ knowledge of facility management and use of tactics in detention rooms, the ISITD has introduced a mock isolation cell and a mock protected room, as well as a mock CIC dormitory and a mock CIC dayroom in recent years. Through simulated scenario training, trainees can learn to handle different levels of resistance and emergencies in a realistic environment. 模擬囚室配備高清實時錄影系統,讓教官及其他學員能即時 觀察模擬囚室內的訓練過程。 The mock cells are equipped with a high definition real-time video- recording system for instructors and other trainees to observe in real time the training process in the mock cells. 模擬院所訓練設施是按實際比例興建,讓學員能在狹窄的空間下,掌握戰術小組控制及戰術撤離技巧。 The mock training facilities are built to actual scale so as to enable trainees to master tactical team control and tactical evacuation techniques in a confined space. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 130