Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

防暴訓練 提升裝備 Anti-riot Training and Upgrade of Equipment 學院一直致力為入境事務隊成員提供適切的專業訓練,使 他們能應付本處多元化的工作。因應近年社會形勢的變化及 工作上的需要,入境處積極提升防暴及戰術裝備,並提供專 業訓練,內容涵蓋被羈留人士安全押解、院所管理和突發事 件處理。 The ISITD has all along been committed to providing appropriate professional training for Immigration Service members so as to enable them to handle the diversified work of the department. In view of the changing social landscape and operational needs in recent years, the department has been proactively upgrading its anti-riot and tactical equipment, and providing professional training that covers escort safety of detainees, facility management and the handling of emergencies. 入境處積極提升防暴及戰術裝備,並為人員提供專業訓練,以應付多元化的工作。 The department has been proactively upgrading its anti-riot and tactical equipment, and providing officers of the department with professional training for handling diversified work. 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration 128