Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

新舊 象 PAST & PRESENT 入境處訓練學校 Immigration Service Training School 入境處訓練學校(入境事務學院的前身)於一九九五年九月在屯門掃管笏軍營(即學院現址)成立。 在訓練學校成立之前,所有入境事務隊的訓練課堂都在入境處總部進行,而步操和戶外訓練則在香港 輔助警察隊總部和當時英軍的場地進行。二零零一年,政府批准入境處在訓練學校原址興建永久 校舍。建造期間,訓練學校曾遷往啟德政府大樓及九龍灣前政府飛行服務隊總部。二零零五年八月, 入境事務學院正式落成啟用,標誌着入境處專業發展的重要里程碑。 The Immigration Service Training School (the predecessor of the ISITD) was established in September 1995 at the Perowne Camp in Tuen Mun (the current location of the ISITD). Before the establishment, all indoor training was carried out at the Immigration Headquarters, while footdrill and other outdoor training were conducted at the facilities of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Police Force and the then British Army. In 2001, the government approved to build a permanent campus for the training school in-situ. During the construction, the training school was relocated again to the Kai Tak Government Building and the then Government Flying Service Headquarters in Kowloon Bay. The ISITD was inaugurated in August 2005, marking an important milestone for the professional development of the department. 六、七十年代,入境事務隊成員須穿梭不同 地點接受訓練。 In the 1960s and 1970s, Immigration Service members had to travel to various locations for trainings. 一九九五年,入境處訓練學院於屯門正式成立。 The Immigration Service Training School was established in Tuen Mun in 1995. 入境處訓練學校曾一度遷往啟德機場,在機場 跑道接受訓練成為不少人員的珍貴回憶。 The Immigration Service Training School has once moved to Kai Tai Airport. Receiving training on the runway is a precious memory for many service members. 興建中的入境事務學院及青山灣入境事務中心 (攝於二零零四年)。 The ISITD and Castle Peak Bay Immigration Centre under construction (photo taken in 2004). 127 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration