Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

鼓勵終身學習 Encouraging life-long learning 資歷架構是一個七級的資歷級別制度,統整及涵蓋主流學術、職業及持續教育界別的資歷。資歷架構 認可的資歷是經過質素保證以及按照客觀和明確的標準釐定級別。資歷架構提供「四通八達」的學習 階梯,從而鼓勵終身學習,以提升本港整體工作人口的質素。 The QF is a seven-level hierarchy covering qualifications in the academic, vocational and continuing education sectors. Qualifications recognised under the QF are quality-assured and level-rated in accordance with objective and well- defined standards. The QF provides accessible articulation pathways for lifelong learning, with a view to enhancing the quality of the workforce of Hong Kong as a whole. 學院加設多項處境訓練設施,讓學員在貼近真實的環境接受訓練。 The ISITD has set up various mock premises for practical training in order to enhance the effectiveness of learning. 126 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration