Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

資歷架構 終身學習 Qualifications Framework and Life-long Learning 學院坐落於屯門青山灣,設有多項訓練及住宿設施。 The ISITD, located at Castle Peak Bay, Tuen Mun, provides a number of training and accommodation facilities. 入境事務學院(學院)是入境事務隊的培訓機構,負責制訂 每年的培訓及員工專業發展計劃,並致力推廣終身學習的 文化,為入境事務隊人員提供訓練課程與學習資源,確保人 員具備所需的技能,以應付不同挑戰。 The Immigration Service Institute of Training and Development (ISITD) is responsible for formulating the annual training and staff development plan, promoting the culture of life-long learning and providing training courses and learning resources for Immigration Service members to ensure that service staff of different levels are equipped with the necessary skills to meet challenges. 124 薪火相傳 羣策羣力 Passing the Torch and Fostering Collaboration