Immigration Department 60th Anniversary Report

高效遣送 防止濫用 Expeditious Removal and Prevention of Abuse 入境處多次採用包機的形式把非法入境者遣離香港,進一步提高遣送行動的成效。 The department has hired charter flights to effect the repatriation of illegal immigrants, hence further enhancing the effectiveness in removing the removees. 入境處一直致力盡快把免遣返聲請不獲確立的人根據現行 相關法例及政策遣離香港,當中包括與聲請人主要來源國的 政府、航空公司及其他政府部門保持緊密聯繫,以進一步 加快遣送程序。 The department has all along been committed to removing unsubstantiated non- refoulement claimants from Hong Kong as soon as practicable in accordance with prevailing laws and policies. The department has further expedited the removal process through, among others, maintaining close liaison with governments of major source countries of claimants, airline companies and other government departments. 118 維護法紀 公正嚴明 Upholding the Law and Acting with Impartiality